ATMaaS Managed Serviced blog en
14 March 2023
Banks are faced with various challenges, from cost pressures to customers’ rising expectations, and are struggling to adopt scalable strategies for delivering excellent service. They have a greater focus on self-service and automation, changing the shape and flow of traditional branches. For example, tellers have become consultants focused on selling value-added services rather than simple
Cyber Security Protection Firewall Interface Concept
14 February 2023
A month or more into 2023 we have already seen major alerts about banking cybersecurity, plus new insights into how banks can strike back against cyber criminals. Published in January, EY’s authoritative survey of chief risk officers (CROs) at major banks revealed that cybersecurity now tops the list of near-term risks for banks globally, ahead
24 January 2023
The banking industry is experiencing a major shift towards digitalisation. As we head into 2023, it’s important to keep an eye on the latest trends that are shaping the future of banking. Staying ahead of these trends is crucial for retail banks to stay competitive and provide better services for their customers, especially in this
20 December 2022
As bank branches continue to close in the UK and more people turn to digital financial services, access to cash is becoming an increasingly important issue. A study conducted by University of Bristol found one in ten UK Post Offices has been affected by a bank closure within 1km, and this has resulted in a 27