The Benefits of Upgrading Your ATM Software and Architecture
18 July 2023
Banks want to provide customers with an omnichannel experience. This includes a comprehensive set of services that use all digital channels and self-service automation. Not to mention, addressing the challenge of reducing infrastructure and operational costs. Self-service banking can offer tremendous benefits to customers who want secure access to their cash, deposit and other banking
16 June 2023
Open banking is changing how customers use financial services and automating the process of signing up. It also provides valuable data for creating personalized business offers. Nevertheless, the uprising is still ongoing. The convergence and melding of finance and data enables a new model: banking-as-a-service. This shift paves the way for enhanced security, increased cross
Making sure Shared Banking Hubs Deliver Age-Friendly Banking
11 May 2023
Developing age-friendly banking services in an increasingly digital age has been a rumbling issue for years. Back in 2016, for example, the UK’s financial regulator, the FCA, published a series of papers on the need for age-friendly banking as the number of UK branches were halved. Since then, the conditions that may risk causing financial
03 April 2023
A recent report from the MetabaseQ cybersecurity company reveals a new ATM jackpotting malware variant, dubbed FiXS, infecting ATMs in Mexico. ATM Jackpotting attacks use malware to steal large amounts of cash from an ATM without having to use a credit or debit card. 1.1 FiXS: New ATM Malware, old techniques Identified in February 2023, FiXS uses