banks smart city
15 November 2018
The smart city vision encompasses a city where information and communication technologies like the Internet of Things are connected to enhance the quality and performance of urban cities and thus urban living itself. The vision is already being realised – Oslo, London and Singapore are already rated among the top five smart cities in the
School for Banking
17 October 2018
Children and university students across the UK returned to school this month – kicking off another year of learning. For some, this will be a transformative time, as they absorb new information that may very well define their future career. But perhaps now is also a good time to reflect on what the banking industry
Improving Customer Service in Banks
13 September 2018
A Customer Service Survey As of August, banking providers in the UK are obliged to publish information on how likely people would be to recommend their bank, inclusive of its online, mobile, branch and overdraft services. The results come from an independent survey of thousands of personal and small business customers – and must be
31 August 2018
With more bank branch closures recently announced by some of the high street’s biggest names, Auriga is urging banks not to miss a trick when it comes to rethinking their branch networks and to look at how banks in the rest of Europe are transforming their branches. It is no secret that retail banking is